Sunday, April 02, 2006

Andrew Sullivan links to an AP article with the news that Borders will not carry the April-May issue of Free Inquiry. The magazine republishes four of the Danish cartoons, and Borders fears violence. The mainstream media betrayed its principles when it failed to print the cartoons in the course of covering the protests.

They let small journals become isolated, and thus more vulnerable to censorship, and at greater risk of terrorist reprisals (i.e. if a hundred papers publish them, and one is attacked, your risk is 1%. If two publish them, and one is attacked, your risk is 50%). They also prevented -- through their disingenous claim to be enlightened defenders of Islamic sensibilities, rather than cowards -- a discussion of what security measures are needed to defend a free press against terrorism.

This is great publicity for Free Inquiry (assuming they aren't bombed). Visit their site.